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Customer success

Hospitality Industry Giant

Walking Tree team developed a web-based  portal which allows end user to make the booking in hotels and resorts using points.

Real-Estate Company

This was a need for an organization in the  Real-Estate Industry for various portals for Property Development , Property Management, Property Search etc.

Unlock the value of your core business applications with our CMS services

Theme Development & Testing

Access to a wide range of themes, without losing out on the actual content.

Custom Modules & plug-in development

We create custom modules in the developer portal to extend functionality.

Content Migration

Implement finest cloud-based solutions with a multi-tenant architecture. 

Workflows & Approval Process Configurations

Reduce chaos by using our cloud workflow software and automate your business processes.

Customization & Deployment

We offer a wide range of services to accomplish the content goals you may have for your products, processes, and services.

Ongoing Maintenance & Support

From meeting tight deadlines to scheduled maintenance or emergency support, we are here when you need us.

Our CMS platforms & technologies to serve industry verticals


Robust, flexible, and highly customizable digital experience platform that supports and manages the most important areas of your company’s online presence…More


A .NET based, fully featured, secure, stable, and user friendly content management system offering all the benefits of an enterprise level…More


The business collaboration platform of choice for enterprises seeking to benefit from better data access and collaboration….More


The leading open source enterprise portal platform, with a flexible and robust foundation, that help you realize immediate business value…More

Defining our CMS integration process


Our work to share, connect, teach, and inspire you
with the recent trends

Why choose WalkingTree?

Scalable system

We handle the load by supplying both built-in caching as well as high-speed lean API access to your business.

Industry-leading functionality

We deliver one of the most intuitive and field-proven solutions at hand to help you go global.

Built-in workflows

We help in abstracting internal approval processes and versioning of any kind of data to keep track of changes and workflows to provision tasks.

Interactive interface

Our team simplifies and customizes web page designs, templates, and UI design, enabling you to easily use the CMS.


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