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9 steps to simplify Data Migration Process with Legacy Applications

No matter what business you’re in, chances are that you would have been challenged with a legacy system at least once while making the move to the cloud. Migration from a legacy system to another application (a cloud-based service in particular) can improve both your organization’s performance and competitiveness.

Considering modern technologies, the legacy system is an old and inefficient system for desktops. Your organization can face various challenges while migrating the data from legacy systems such as – handling the functional transfer of data, evaluating the state and condition of information in legacy systems, and figuring out the data sets to be migrated, etc. Migrating this legacy data to the cloud can be quite intimidating. However, by following the steps below, you can ensure a smooth transition to the cloud (or any other new application) and leave the legacy structure that weighs your business down.

Successfully migrateLegacy Data

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