Product Engineering
Authenticating users with Social Accounts using Azure Mobile Apps
Setting up Visual Studio for Xamarin Test Cloud
Often the test automation falls under QA team and they do face challenges with the initial setup of the Xamarin Test Cloud environment. In this blog, I have documented steps for setting up the environment. Also, I have explained how to create a test project, write a test script, upload the script in the test cloud and test the application.
Integrate Semantic UI Theme with Angular2
In this article you will learn about what is Semantic UI and how to use Semantic UI and theme with Angular 2. We found Semantic UI quite helpful and thought of sharing with you as well. The step-by-step blog will help you build application, which you can theme as per the customer’s need.
Xamarin Mobile Apps Authentication using Xamarin.Auth – Twitter
Xamarin Mobile Apps Authentication using Xamarin.Auth -Facebook
This article explains how to enable a users to login to a mobile app with their Facebook credentials without manually signing up for the app. We also discuss accessing the basic user info from the Facebook server using Xamarin.Auth component.
D3 Layouts in Ext JS
This article gives you a quick overview of the layouts available in D3 and then it deep dives into the detailed explanation of D3 Layouts in ExtJS with TreeMap as a sample example.
Xamarin Mobile Apps Authentication using Xamarin.Auth – Gmail
Mobile Applications developed, using Xamarin, can take advantage of the Xamarin.Auth component to avail registration facility by linking to the social accounts such as Gmail, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter. In this article, we have used Gmail as an example to explain how you can achieve authentication using Gmail and access basic details allowed by Gmail and the user.