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Walking Tree recognised among Top 50 Best Indian Founded Companies

Walking Tree is thrilled to be featured among the Top 50 Best Indian Founded companies by Silicon Review. The full article can be found on  Walking Tree: Redefining Technology with Guaranteed Credibility and Innovation.

Since December 2008, when Walking Tree was founded, we have always considered our employees and customers as two super important stakeholders and worked towards creating values for them. As of today, we are a strong team of 120+ spread across multiple locations within India and North America, creating values for every stakeholder involved in Walking Tree’s journey.

As the business scenarios continue to evolve and Walking Tree continues to studying the technology trends closely, identifying the niche areas and successfully stay ahead of the competition in the market, we are very proud of the team that has been able to make a unique position for Walking Tree. We see current market offering very unique opportunities to us, opening up the potential of huge growth for Walking Tree in the short to mid term. It is very encouraging to be recognized as one of the Top 50 companies at such a juncture and raises the bar for the team further, to continue to make ourselves better at what we are already so good at.

We look forward to continuing to leverage on tremendous opportunities out there in the market and continue to grow in the most favoured company to do business and to work with.

Thanks to all our customers and partners for your continued trust and a loud shout-out to the Walking Tree team!

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