AI for Process Improvement

Have you ever noticed how there are patterns to almost everything? Patterns bring order to chaos and structure to operations. When an enterprise tries to improve operations, it often does this by implementing new variables and adjusting existing strategies – by which they partake in Process Improvement.
Enterprises that integrate artificial intelligence into their systems will tell you that it has done wonders for their process improvement. As someone who works with AI regularly, I can certainly vouch for this. So, what exactly does AI offer that makes it perfect for process improvement?
Its adaptability improves your ability
Honestly, with the amount of data that we can gather daily, to consolidate and make sense out of it is difficult for people. Engineers can teach AI to analyze specific patterns – and it is a fast learner.
The more AI learns, the better it can monitor and track various variables and data points much faster and more objectively than people. It can then accumulate valuable data that we can leverage into improving production, forecasting trends, and identifying resource constraints.
Leaders can also use AI to gather insights into the market and curate facts that can help them make better decisions and build their business.
Helps you fix any resource constraints
AI does this by identifying specific areas in your process that need improvement. For example, it can determine where there is a need for greater efficiency, volume, or quality and help you mitigate modification costs. Through the data, you can also identify repetitive sections of your process and eliminate any redundancies.
Comprehensively, AI helps you streamline your process and avoid the risk of getting into bottlenecks. That way, your process flow remains seamless and, thus, your process improvement is successful.
Thus, with no constraints, AI helps you manage whatever work you have in progress. Just as when the AI was able to identify redundancies, with the right engineering, the AI can identify sections in your process that need concerted effort.
Leaders can then delve into these sections and see if there is a requirement for additional help and address the matter if the need arises.
Process improvements toward clientele
Enterprises set processes for various aspects of their business. While handling clients, developing a process flow is crucial, mainly because it gives the client assurance on your behalf. The other reason is that you have an organized roadmap to follow.
Yet, with clients, there is always a chance that they will change their requirements. Integrating AI into your process will ensure that your process adapts to any change the clients might want. You can update the AI components in your process by using the same methods you use to fix your resource constraints – basically by; 1. Identify the areas that need improvement; 2. Bring in additional resources if necessary.
However, no client is the same, as each client will have their own unique set of requirements and concerns – which will need unique solutions. However, this does not mean that AI becomes expendable.
Although the clients have unique requirements, parts of their solutions remain the same, for example, certain aspects of marketing, security concerns, IT, risk management, conflict identification, etc.
Enterprises must identify the similarities their clients have and train their AI to identify them; this will improve the process flow by miles.
Training is key
Perhaps the best part of AI and why everyone wants to use it is its ability to keep learning and improving – this is only possible with training. Data science engineers need to invest time in training the AI by running it through specific parameters set by analyzing the business landscape.
These strategic parameters pave the way for AI to drastically improve the process by seamlessly identifying problems, providing cross-platform consistency, and reducing corrective work.
AI in today’s world
AI has become a prized commodity. Everyone wants a piece of it – and judging by how extensive its use is – it makes complete sense. Enterprises with the right tools can use AI to identify patterns that they can then use to streamline their processes. With AI, they can prioritize automation and save time and resources.
They can identify potential pitfalls, bottlenecks, and resource constraints – information they can use to make process improvements. The right kind of AI implementation will yield rich results. To implement AI successfully, you will need engaged data, science engineers.
These engineers can train your AI to be productive wherever you implement it. AI can also help with effective data analytics – this is another area when, done successfully, can make process improvement success. Thus, it becomes all the more essential that you hire the right people – people who understand how AI works.
The truth is, there are many engineers out there who claim to be experts but fall short of their promises. The much larger truth is that we cannot fully comprehend the potential of AI. What we can do is understand our current potential and do our best to leverage all of it.
Organizations like Google, Amazon, and Uber have done a great job implementing AI. It is easy to see their ROI in this regard. They have set the benchmark for all of us to follow, but whoever said that you can’t set a new benchmark? Maybe you can set the next one!
WalkingTree & Artificial Intelligence
In the 11+ years of our existence, AI has come a long way. Yet enterprises only now have started realizing its potential. At WalkingTree, we do our best to implement AI in all our practices, be it monitoring the progress of our own work, measuring employee performance, and staying ahead of the curve.
AI has made our process improvement journey simpler. Our desire is to help you realise AI’s true potential and the benefits it brings to you. To that effect, we at WalkingTree will use AI to enhance your data management and analysis systems to bring you valuable insights. Through AI we can train your system to recognize patterns, and use ML to enable seamless data flow and computation.
There is so much more AI can offer and we would love to share our insights with you. Eventually, this will help make your process management journey a simple one. Reach out and say hi!